Dr David Petts speaks to a local congregation about Secrets to the Success of the Early Church (Acts Chapter 4)
Category: Podcast
092 The Power of Commitment (5 Themes in the book of Acts)
091 The Power of Prayer (5 Themes in the book of Acts)
The Power of Prayer (5 Themes in the book of Acts, Part 4)
090 The Power of the Name of Jesus (5 Themes in the Book of Acts)
The Power of the Name of Jesus (5 Themes in the Book of Acts)
089 The Power of the Word (5 Themes in the book of Acts)
088 The Power of the Spirit (5 Themes in the book of Acts)
The Power of the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts.
087 Receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit
In this final part of the series, Dr David Petts preaches that all Christians can receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues.
086 Be Baptized!
Part 2 of this three part series originally preached at Brixham Community Church but Dr David Petts – Repent, Be Baptized, Be Filled!
085 Repent!
084 God’s People in Isolation 4 – The Apostle Paul’s last words
The Situation
Paul was in prison
He was lacking fellowship
verse 11 – only Luke was with him
verse 10 – Demas had deserted him (cf v16)
verse 14 – Alexander had harmed him
verse 20 – Trophimus was sick
He was in danger of death
verse 17 (lion = lion or Nero or devil)
verse 6 – indeed he was about to die (cf. 3:11)
Paul’s attitude and reaction in the situation
He realised God’s presence with him despite the circumstances
verse 1 – in the presence of God……… I give you this charge
He faced the situation realistically
He did not seek to deny the reality of his impending death
He took practical steps to alleviate the immediate situation as best he could
He urged Timothy to come as quickly as possible (with Mark) and bring his cloak, scrolls and parchments (9, 11-12)
He made what long-term provision for the future he could
He sought to ensure that his work would continue through Timothy after his death by giving him instructions (1-5)
He recognised the overall importance of the proclamation of the Gospel
In his instruction to Timothy – preach the Word – do the work of an evangelist
From his own mouth even when on trial for his life (17)
He concentrated on the certainty of his ultimate destiny
Jesus is coming to reign! 1 – his appearing and his kingdom
Jesus is coming to judge! – all (1) righteously (8) so I can leave Alexander to him! (14)
Jesus is coming for me personally! – verse 18
Jesus is coming with a crown of righteousness for all who love his appearing! – verse 8
And finally…
…perhaps Paul was able to do all this in the face of death because he was able to look back and view the past with satisfaction:
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith – verse 7
I want to be able to say that too – but that will be determined by how I’m living now.